Inaugural He Mni Can Wacipi

 The Red Wing Public School District, Prairie Island Indian Community, the City of Red Wing, Goodhue County, Red Wing Arts, and the Honoring Dakota Project partnered together to bring the inaugural He Mni Can Wacipi (Powwow) to Red Wing, Minnesota, on September 14, 2024. This event honored the Dakota people and celebrated their rich cultural heritage through a series of meaningful activities aimed at cultural preservation and celebration, educational outreach, community building, and youth engagement.

On Friday, September 13th, the entirety of the student body of the Red Wing School engaged in an educational session as a part of the programming.

Artwork by Kris Nepoose

“The Red Wing High School scoreboard said He Mni Can Wacipi!”

The Wacipi (Wah-shee -pee) featured Dakota drummers, singers, dancers, and artisans. Ceremonial dances, intertribal dances, and community participation created an inclusive atmosphere of celebration and respect. Notably, this initiative has been driven by the enthusiasm and requests from Native youth who have expressed a strong desire to present their culture on their school grounds. By supporting this event, the community played a crucial role in ensuring the success of this celebration and the ongoing efforts to heal and unify the community.

 A significant focus of the project was to strengthen the ties between the Dakota community and the non-Indigenous community. By involving youth in these activities, the project ensured that Dakota traditions were passed down to future generations, preserving the cultural heritage for years to come. 

“The Honoring Dakota Project gave students a voice; we felt represented as students and as Native people. We are proud to be who they are.”
— Youth Community Member

We thank Red Wing Public Schools for their partnership and support in bringing Dakota culture to the student body.

Thank you to the following supporters of the He Mni Can Wacipi: National Endowment for the Arts, Prairie Island Indian Community, Jones Family Foundation, Wings Foundation, City of Red Wing, Goodhue County Family Collaborative, Art of the Rural, Laura Musser Foundation,  Minnesota College Southeast, Speight Anderson & Lappegaard P.A., Falk Auto Body, Red Wing YMCA, Suburban Portables, Xcel Energy, and First Farmers & Merchants.

Go to our resources page to view educational information about what to expect at a Wacipi.